Our Devices

Interventional Medical Technologies has numerous ground-breaking medical devices in all stages of development, manufacturing and distribution with several of the world’s leading medical device companies. 

01. OpenFlow Mechanical Valvuloplasty

OpenFlow Mechanical Valvuloplasty (OMV) is a breakthrough device. This revolutionary device was specifically designed to make one of the fastest growing cardiac medical procedures, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) both safer and more reliable. OMV is slated for a 2021 global launch under a long-term license with one of the world’s largest medical device companies.

02. Transseptal Puncture Device

This device was developed  under a joint venture with Integer, the world’s leader in advanced medical device design. IMT’s transseptal system offers a complete solution for faster and more reliable delivery of new left-heart devices while substantially increasing work-flow.

03. Cerebral Embolic Protection System

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has become increasingly popular for replacing native heart valves in recent years. However, their delivery and implantation carries with it the risk of embolic material being carried away by the bloodstream and to the brain, which can cause a stroke. As a result, cerebral embolic protection (CEP) devices are provided to reduce the risk of stroke.

This device provides a shield or net to capture or divert this material, thereby, removing the risk of stroke caused by embolic material.

04. Nested Gloves

IMT has developed and patented the first major improvement in sterile glove technology since surgical gloves were first used by Dr. William Stuart Halstead at Johns Hopkins University medical center in 1884.

IMT’s proprietary  glove technology provides a level of convenience, efficiency and safety previously unavailable.

05. SONOS Partnership

In 2019, IMT entered into an exclusive joint venture agreement with Sonos. Sonos provides both low-level and high-level sterilization products for both consumer and institutional medical environments such as hospitals, clinics and surgery centers, etc.

06. Ventilator 2.0

Corona viruses have become the major pathogens of epidemic respiratory disease outbreaks. Strategies for addressing mild/moderate respiratory failure include high-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) or non-invasive ventilation (CPAP). However, HFNO and CPAP require dedicated equipment that may not be readily available in all treatment settings.  Current ventilators are dated, costly and cumbersome. IMT has recently signed a joint venture agreement with Delta Vector USA to represent their breakthrough ventilator technology. This technology substantially reduces the cost, size and burden of current ventilators and represents a major leap in current ventilator technology.

Projects in Development

Multiple projects are currently in development.